Condition, Plantar fasciitis

Can I Run With Plantar Fasciitis? How to Heal Properly.

Can I Run With Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis is a type of foot pain caused by the inflammation of the plantar fascia along the bottom of the foot. It often affects runners, but it can affect individuals that wear shoes with poor arch support or those with a high arch. The severity of the pain ranges from mild to severe, where a more serious case can lead to significant pain in the arch and heel area. Many people ask themselves if they can still run with plantar fasciitis, get all answers in this article.

If you have plantar fasciitis and are deciding whether or not to run, there are a few things to consider before you lace up your shoes. Furthermore, here are some tips on how to heal properly so you can run again without pain. It is a two in one write-up for you.

Running with Plantar fasciitis; is it a good idea?

“Can I run with Plantar Fasciitis on my feet?” “Can I still run again?” These are the likely questions on the mind of runners with Plantar Fasciitis. It is possible to continue running if you have Plantar Fasciitis in a short time according to Joyce Sean, provided the case is moderate. But to do this, you must plan to rehabilitate your lower extremity if you don’t want to be sidelined entirely.

It is likely to feel pain at the start of the exercise if you have mild plantar fasciitis; however, as the run continues the pain fades away. This means the pain is caused by muscular tightness, so you need to work on your hip strength, ankle mobility, and calf tightness. 

Therefore, you don’t need to increase your pace and pressure, and if you feel persistent pain throughout the run; stop running. If you don’t, you will end up increasing the inflammation, causing tissue damages, increase the probability of serious injury, and develop abnormal movement patterns.

If the pain is severe, it is advised to avoid running to avoid worsening symptoms. Finally, no matter the severity level of your plantar fasciitis, if you don’t address the symptoms, you should prepare for future complications.

Experienced runners with Plantar Fasciitis

If you are an experienced runner with plantar fasciitis, it is important to know that non-supportive or worn-out shoes can contribute to your plantar fasciitis, so you should consider replacing your shoe or get an insole. However, it would be wise to take a few days off before your next run.

Focus on stretching your foam rolling your legs and calves, and stretch your legs a few times daily. Once you think your feet are better, and you want to run again; start slow and increase the pace gradually to your maximum.

New Runners with Plantar Fasciitis

For new runners with mild to moderate plantar fasciitis, start your session by walking, then some intervals of jogging. Rest a few days before the next run, so that your feet can recover. Slowly increase the duration of your jogging intervals if you jog more than walk. After each session, always remember to ice the area for 15 minutes. Consult your doctor if the pains become severe. It’s important to take it slowly and listen to your body when you run with Plantar Fasciitis.

How long do I need to stop running?

According to Rachel Triche, taking some time off walking, exercising, and running will improve the symptoms. Normally, after start-up, pains are supposed to subside; but if walking is painful even at initial start-up, it is advisable to get your symptoms under control. 

When pain reduces enough that you can walk without discomfort, then you can make a return. It is important to listen to your body; if the pain starts when you are about to start running again, it means your body is telling you that you are not ready to run with Plantar Fasciitis.

There is no solution for plantar fasciitis that works for everyone at the same rate and same pattern. That is why it is recommended you visit a physical therapist, podiatrist, or doctor. So also, there is no one-size-fits-all duration for you to stop. Get more tips and exercises here

In general, taking some weeks off to find a solution to your physical problem is better than risking an injury and compounding the issue that may keep you out of the game for a shorter period.

Tips to run with plantar fasciitis

In case your plantar fasciitis is mild and you still want to run, here are some feasible tips you should consider.


Before any type of exercise, spend at least 5 minutes warming up. If you are running, focus more on dynamic stretches and exercises that wake your calves, hamstrings, hip flexors, quads, and glutes.

After the warm-up, stretch your feet, arch area, and your heel.

Daily Stretching Exercise

Being consistent with stretching your calf, ankle, and plantar fascia multiple times daily will keep you running. If you do this every day and your symptoms are controlled, running in intervals will be easy for you. In addition, maintain good ankle mobility like inversion and dorsiflexion.

Ice after running

During your cool-down stretches after any activity including running, spend about 15 to 20 minutes icing your plantar fascia. Try doing an ice bottle message; alternatively, you can use iced packs of crushed ice

Support your feet

The best way to support your feet is to wear good shoes with arch support. Also, orthotics and tapping can support your feet by reducing the stress and pressure on your plantar fascia.  Adding an insole for Plantar Fasciitis will help as well

To get tapping done, seek help from an athletic trainer, a physical therapist, or a podiatrist. Tapping is done to know if arch support is the best solution for you before you start spending.

How to heal properly from Plantar Fasciitis

Rest and Stretch

If overuse is the cause of your plantar fasciitis, taking a break to rest is one key to proper healing. While resting, add daily stretching exercises to have a perfect rest. The daily exercise would keep the plantar fascia from tightening up, so it can carry your weight when you resume your daily activities

Wear a Splint

Wearing a splint can help brace your ankle and foot in the proper position. It is better to wear it in severe cases when you sleep. This is because it can help reduce the pain and stretch the plantar fascia

Wear the Right Footwear

Ensure to get well-fitted footwear and also avoid wearing flat shoes that don’t have arch support. Also, never walk barefoot in the house because it can stress the tissues at the bottom of the feet more. Alternatively, wear sneakers or running shoes that support the arch, so that your tissues won’t be deformed and stretched

Ice your feet

Put an ice pack under your feet for 15 minutes three times daily. Also, use an ice treatment after a stressful activity.


Running when you have plantar fasciitis is possible if the pain is mild; but if the pain is severe, it is better to pause running till your feet are in the right frame to do this activity properly. It’s not a good idea to run with Plantar Fasciitis.

Since there is no general treatment for everyone, talk to your physical therapist, podiatrist, or your doctor about treatment option and what type of exercise to do, best footwear to use, best ice therapy, and best night splints.