Achilles Tendonitis, Condition

Is Running With Achilles Tendonitis Possible?


Achilles tendonitis can be a difficult injury for runners. It’s the most common running injury and it often affects athletic performance and movement in general. If you want to continue running without too much pain, there are a few solutions. Or is perhaps taking a break from running the best course of action?

Looking for the best insoles for Achilles tendonitis:

What is Achilles Tendonitis?

Achillis tendonitis is a condition in which the achilles tendon becomes inflamed.

The most common symptom of this condition is pain or stiffness in one or both of the calves, usually in the morning when waking up and after periods of rest. Pain can also be present when using certain muscles and tendons, such as bending the toes backward and raising your knee toward your chest.

Research has shown that running with achilles tendonitis is possible, but it may be uncomfortable. Depending on the severity of the injury, you may not be able to run at all or just jog slowly with rest breaks.

What are the Symptoms of Achilles Tendonitis?

Achilles tendonitis means that the tendon in your achilles heel has become inflamed and irritated. It’s not a serious condition but it can be painful and make it difficult to walk. Achilles tendonitis is most common in people over 40 years old who do a lot of running or other high-impact exercise, such as jumping or dancing.

Symptoms of Achilles tendonitis :

  • Pain when touching the affected area
  • Swelling in the calf, ankle, or foot
  • The Achilles tendon feels tender to touch
  • Difficulty walking

Achillis tendonitis can be difficult to diagnose and may require an MRI scan, but these are the symptoms you can look for when considering if you have it. If you are experiencing these symptoms then it is worth seeing a doctor at least once.

Which Stage Is Your Achilles Tendon Injury In?

There are four stages to an Achilles Tendon injury, and it is important to know which stage you are in so that you can take the appropriate steps.

Stage 1: The first stage of an Achilles Tendon injury is characterized by a sudden pain in the back of the ankle. This pain will be deep and slow to heal.

Stage 2: In the second stage, there will still be some pain, but it will not be as severe as in Stage 1. There may also be some swelling and redness near the back of your ankle where you felt the most pain when Stage 1 ended.

Stage 3: The third stage of an Achilles Tendon injury is characterized by mild discomfort in your back of your ankle after activity, but there should no longer be any pain or swelling.

When Is An Ok-Time To Run With Achilles Tendonitis?

If you have Achilles tendinopathy and your symptoms fit a pattern of flaring up after running and easing afterwards, continuing to run is possible. If you have been able to keep your Achilles pain at a level of 3/10 or below, after running and the pain has subsided quickly within the first day, then you should be able to modify your training plan accordingly.

Aches and pains happen with most runners, but you should never ignore these warning signs. If your pain becomes more severe, or lingers longer than usual after running, don’t hesitate to see a doctor in order to avoid making the problem worse.

This isn’t something you want to happen, so be sure to take at least 2 weeks off from seeing a doctor or physiotherapist for advice.

When Is It No Longer OK To Run With Achilles Tendonitis?

When should I see my physio?

  1. Your pain score for achilles injuries is 3/10
  2. It seems like your achilles tendonitis has gotten severe.
  3. Painful flareups last for a longer duration after running.
  4. Your achilles tendon tissues starts to thicken

These signs indicate that achilles tendinopathy is worsening. Your best bet is to take a rest from running. Focus on rehabilitation and exercises that your physio will give you.

You should take your running gradually, especially after you finish your treatment for Achilles tendonitis. Remember that this injury was likely caused by an overload on the tendon, so you’ll need to be careful not to do too much too soon.

While increasing loading is important during all tendon rehab, you need to give your body time so it can adapt gradually.

If you’re returning to running after achilles tendonitis, use the following plan to guide your training:

What Can You Do For Faster Recovery From Achilles Tendinopathy?

Rehabilitation Exercises For The Achilles Tendon
Achilles Tendon Rehab Exercises are exercises designed to rehabilitate an injured Achilles Tendon which has been caused by any number of conditions such as overuse or sudden sprains. The most common type of injury is an Achilles Tendon Rupture or rupture which can be caused by hitting one’s heel on the ground while running or from over-extension from being on ones toes for too long.
Injured people should consult a medical professional before starting achilles tendon rehabilitation exercises because there are certain medical conditions that can increase the risk of injury.

Soft Tissue Techniques For Achilles Tendinopathy
Soft Tissue Technique is a rehabilitation modality that is used to treat tendon injuries, including Achilles tendinopathy.
Soft tissue technique is used to rehabilitate an injury of the tendon or muscles. The technique can be performed on one area of the body or on the entire body depending on the injury. Soft tissue technique can be performed by a therapist, physician, trainer, or coach on the injured body part.

Running Shoes Fit For Achilles Tendinopathy
There is no consensus amongst the internet for which type of running shoes are best to help with Achille Tendonitis, but this is understandable. Different people have different opinions that they believe in; some say minimalist running shoes like Hokas will make it easier while others suggest trying out more “barefoot style” shoes.

You need to find comfortable shoes. I know it sounds like a cop-out but having the right shoe can make your life so much better! The “comfort filter” is being seen as a better way of choosing running shoes from an injury prevention angle.

Choose a shoe with a heel-to-toe drop of 10-14mm, as it will help to lessen the load on your achilles tendon – especially in ankle dorsiflexion. If you prefer a zero-drop shoe then you can put a heel lift in it temporarily to feel that way for a while. Watch the video here (link) for more information.


So, is running possible when one is diagnosed with achilles tendonitis? The short answer is – Yes! But the more important question is – should you ignore it (or not) if it’s bugging you. The answer to this all depends on how bad your case is, what exercises you do, and what your goal with treating it is.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for Achilles tendonitis; it’s caused by damage to the tendon. Healing damaged tendons takes time and proper treatments. It may help to understand where the injury came from and look at these tips for how to permanently relieve symptoms of Achilles tendonitis. If your symptoms persist or worsen, you should contact a professional physiotherapist for advice and treatment.

Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash